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CAQDAS Software Sonal

Today we have some news from the French and  from the most beautifull city in the world. The software Sonal is not quite new but it was only recently that somebody recommended Sonal to me at There is no information yet in English or German and it also seems that the software itself is purely in French:

Sonal est un logiciel gratuit et innovant de retranscription d’entretiens. Il permet de facilement retranscrire, catégoriser et analyser vos interviews, directement à partir de vos fichiers audio.

Interview RE-transcription is the keyword. We couldn’t find it in English and thus tried to translate it with transcript analysis. We therefore grouped Sonal under Qualitative Data Analysis. On their website there is a video presenting their software in a short. Even without French language knowledge you can grasp a good sense of what you can do with the software.  Overall it looks quite colourful. We tried to run it here in a virtual Windows 7 machine but we didn’t succeed yet. If there is anybody out there how ever worked with Sonal, we would be happy to get some case studies or reports on it. After all, it seems to be a very interesting project. the software is freely available and the source will be published soon (!?) under a open source licence.

SoSciSo Info

Update: Transana and Feldpartitur

SoSciSo Info

Transcription software Folker

Today, when I came back to my seat in the library my neighbour was not at her place and I could take a look on her laptop display (I have to admit, that it really was an accidental gaze and I wouldn’t like to be pigeonholed together with Zuckerberg, Apple & Co.). I could read Folker and transcription. Didn’t knew that. I fired upGoogleDuckDuckGo and got to the site of the Archiv für gesprochenes Deutsch (Archive for spoken German) in Mannheim. Folker was developed in line with the GAT2 conventions (GAT2: Gesprächsanalytisches Transkriptionssystem/conversation analysis transcription system). It was written by an ‘old fellow’, developer of EXMARaLDA, Thomas Schmidt.

The program is freely available, you only have to registrate. It looks tidy, not oversized and suitable for transcription purposes. Eventually we will have more news on Folker at this lieu.