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Dropbox Space Race

Recently we were talking about the usage of Dropbox in the research project. Since the free disk space is limited  it can happen that it is not sufficient for your purposes. For all of you folks looking for more, Dropbox started a tiny competition under universities: Dropbox Space Race. It is necessary to verify your university email address and that’s it. You will gain another webspace depending on the amount of university members who subscribed in the space race. For our university it is already another 8 GB. The bigger schools like MIT or Berkeley already gained the full 25 GB!

We couldn’t find any catch in the space race so far. The only thing which might happen is that you have to leave the beloved recently gained and free web space after the two years. But, to be honest, in 2 years we might not speaking about GB anymore. 25 GB might sound ridiculous then….

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Case study: dropbox for research projects

The case study Dropbox showcases the usage of a Dropbox to organise and share data in a research project.

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Welcome at SoSciSo

A bit delayed though, we want to welcome everybody officially on SoSciSo . The page is still somehow under construction. There are still a few small bugs (Opera user may fogive us the not so small bug with our database). We try our best to fix the errors as soon as possible. Further, the database is not complete yet.

The database is the heart of the website. Along the social science research process all relevant software programs are listed according to the different phases. You are looking for instance for a program in qualitative data analysis? You will find it under Software > data analysis > Qualitative. Or a program for designing figures? Software > Publication > Diagrams. The database will be continuously updated. You are also welcome to participate. And we are also very happy about comments and suggestions.

How did we came up with the idea to this website? Since we find ourselves quite often somewhere in this social science research process, we are inevitably face with the question where, when and how which software might be useful. Since a while we are using Atlas.ti, JabRef, Latex, DIA, yED, F4, Dropbox or Google Scholar in our daily research projects. And since we often noticed that such knowledge about using such software is not evident, we would like to help others with this website.

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