SoSciSo statistics november 2012
Like all the user friendly and successfull content providers on the internet we of course track our visitors big brother like on every click they make. Like always, we are mainly curious about what browser and operating system you are using as well as what else than the usual pornos and the new Scooter album you are downloading from the internet. After two months of SoSciSo we noticed the following:
Windows still dominates the operations on your devices. Head shaking and completely irritated we are forced to again mention that Windows is still and always was (since the 90s…) completely 90ies! There are many reasons to finally migrate.
The browser stats are much more open and friendly looking in our opinion. No matter if firefox, chrome or opera – they are all good guys and we do like them in a way a human being can like browsers. Internet Explorer is only at 11% – very nice. The not so open big game hunters from the apple tree are not getting too much of your confidence. We, as Mac-noobs can not judge this in an entire objective way.
No matter what impression we might give with this article, we are happy about every visitor on our site. Doesn’t matter if windows, linux or macintosh user – you are all welcome. We never had and never will have face or operating system controlls. Thus: for a free and open (computer) world without proprietary nonsense!
Dropbox Space Race
Recently we were talking about the usage of Dropbox in the research project. Since the free disk space is limited it can happen that it is not sufficient for your purposes. For all of you folks looking for more, Dropbox started a tiny competition under universities: Dropbox Space Race. It is necessary to verify your university email address and that’s it. You will gain another webspace depending on the amount of university members who subscribed in the space race. For our university it is already another 8 GB. The bigger schools like MIT or Berkeley already gained the full 25 GB!
We couldn’t find any catch in the space race so far. The only thing which might happen is that you have to leave the beloved recently gained and free web space after the two years. But, to be honest, in 2 years we might not speaking about GB anymore. 25 GB might sound ridiculous then….
On a site of a new colleague I stumbled upon this: SSOAR – Social Science Open Access Repository. Basically it is a database with freely available document, mainly from the social sciences but also open for other fields of science. The site is nicely designed and is focused on what it is meant to be: upload documents and browse by categories and keywords through the different documents. I would really like to recommend the page and it is not necessary to write more on it, its usability stands for itself.
The case study Dropbox showcases the usage of a Dropbox to organise and share data in a research project.